How easy is it to travel as a TEFL teacher in China?

A question that I frequently get asked and that I have a few stories to talk about is: “Did you get a chance to travel much while you were in China?”. Thankfully, I did! To be 100% honest, that’s not a question many foreigners that I worked with could answer ‘Yes’ to. TEFL life isn’t […]

My Chinese Memories (A re-introduction)

It’s been almost 2 years now since I left China to pursue a career elsewhere and, ultimately, to train as a professional primary school teacher back in the UK. I get pangs of missing China and feel as though I’m always looking through pictures, reminding myself of the friends I made and the encounters that […]

A reflection on teaching in China

I haven’t been back in England for very long, nor have I yet had a chance to experience classes as a ‘real teacher’ but I’ve been working as a Teaching Assistant for about a month now, so have been able to make a few comparisons between schools and students here and abroad. In this post, […]

What’s all this about?

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m Keeley: your host and author! A graduate of English Lang and Lit, I’m in my mid-twenties and planting my roots in London. I’ve been travelling around for a few years recently between Spain and China, teaching English as a Second Language, and am now settling down into the great, big, mature, adult […]

Would you let a teacher cuddle your child?

Whilst teaching here in Málaga, I’ve had the chance to teach quite a few different groups of children; both in formal “classroom” lessons and in more casual “drama” settings. Recently, I’ve come to realise something that I never really thought I’d consider as a teacher: The ethics and morals here in Spain with regards to […]

Prep, Prep, Prep!

Up to now, April seems to have been a month of non-stop admin!  My boyfriend, Eddy, and I are currently living and working in Málaga, Spain where, between us, we have a variety of teaching jobs: he works at two bilingual high schools (meaning his students are Spanish but they receive all of their education […]

A Hopeful Beginning…

So, I’ve been planning to begin a blog for a pretty long time now – Uni, Erasmus, TEFL in Spain… but I’m ridiculously lazy at these sorts of things and have never got round to sticking to one.  Now, however, with my time in Málaga, Spain slowly coming to an end (arh!) and preparations for […]